Basic tips in your trip
Usually when we organized a trip we usually see in advance information about the country where we go. This culture, interesting sights and leisure activities are the overwhelming majority of our searches.
And if we have any kind of medical misfortune? We tend to think that for my trip lasting days will not be a problem, but the reality is not exactly the way we thought. Any break or a simple virus can make our Placida remains the quarreling, except that they give us one or the other headaches with endless bills that have to do.
For all of this is not happening, then we will have small tips that can help us such a quiet ride as we had dreamed.
1. Buy health insurance
Spanish public health is certainly one of the best that can be present at the moment, but we know that as the name suggests is Spanish. When we go to another country, we are not covered longer than we are accustomed to.
For this reason, it is desirable to expect a good health insurance if we participate abroad if necessary. Because if we had a kind of accident, the medical intervention is necessary, the cost of it can be very superior. As they say, it is better to prevent rather than cure, even our bag.
We need to ensure that we hire insurance should provide us health and medical care in the event of an injury or a sudden illness abroad and an emergency service 24 hours.
2. Examine the destination.
Where are we going? Are there any transmissible diseases at the target? What can I eat? And to drink? Are basic questions we need to know before the trip. This little research before our trip will help us to prevent any inconvenience, either because we are vaccinating for a virus that is present or not eating any kind of food that can harm our health.
In addition to having these things in mind, it is also good to know if you need to take medications when these are in the place where I am going to make my trip and recall the necessary documentation to bring me this Medication.
3. Smaller diseases.
We have checked before the trip, but we must do if we have any kind of disease, if we are already in this? Depending on where we are going, the staff can speak Spanish or English if it is not so, we should be accompanied by someone who can give us this message.
Some insurance companies offer this kind of service doctor's visits and in most cases doctors are usually the same language as the patient. As a service semesur doctor visits.
4. Emergency.
If instead of a small illness as we have explained above, it is more complicated and a kind of emergency intervention in the ideal case to contact directly with your insurance company and tell them the situation where it is needed. The overwhelming majority of the rule provides help 24 hours a day and provide all the necessary information, which is the best way to act.