Spain's healthcare system is one of the best in the world
International reference reports emphasize Spanish healthcare, average life expectancy and healthy Spanish habits
The picture of the Spanish healthcare system reveals very positive results. This is highlighted by important international reports and studies, which in almost all cases place the Spanish healthcare system in the highest positions. Health expenditure per capita is remarkable, health investment over GDP is important and the life expectancy of Spaniards is outstanding.
Beginning with the most recent, we find that the report of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) published in November 2019 specifies that the countries with the highest life expectancy will be Japan (84.2 years), Switzerland (83.6), Spain (83.4) and Italy (83). In addition, Spanish health services stand out among the best. Despite the fact that the figure for health expenditure in relation to GDP (8.9% in Spain) cannot be compared with the United States (16.9%), Spanish coverage is close to perfection with an index of 99.9%.
Another of the reference studies, such as the Bloomberg Health-Efficiency Index 2018 (which measures the efficiency of 200 systems through life expectancy, per capita health expenditure and the relative weight of health expenditure over GDP), placed the Spanish Health System as the most efficient in Europe. On a global level, Spain's would occupy third place, behind economies such as Hong Kong and Singapore.
In the case of the Global Health Security Index, produced by the non-profit Nuclear Threat Initiative and the American university of Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School or Public Health, Spain does not appear in the top ten, but it can boast an important 15th position in a list that highlights the level of exposure of countries to a possible epidemic or pandemic. In this way, the national healthcare system stands out in its capacity to detect and report in a preventive way the appearance of global epidemics, as well as in its low environmental risk. The United States, the United Kingdom and the Netherlands occupy the podium of this ranking, while Spain is at a similar level to Germany, Switzerland or Norway.
All these good marks in terms of medical care contribute significantly to Spain's ranking in Bloomberg's annual report as the healthiest country in the world, displacing Italy. This study ranks 169 economies according to factors that contribute to overall health. In addition to the quality of the primary health care system, this ranking also shows the incidence of the Mediterranean diet in preventing problems such as obesity.
SEMESUR ASSISTANCE works on a global level, so you can enjoy our services all over the world. Therefore, we know perfectly the strengths of the Spanish healthcare system and our professional have been trained in this competitive system. You can have them through your medical insurance, your travel insurance or directly by contacting us on the 24-hour assistance telephone number (+34) 91 10 10 900, completing the form so we can call you or requesting a quote directly by telephone.
As you can see, there are several ways to contact us, but the goal is only one: your daily health.